From the Desk of Chairman

Dear Students,
We all at Sri Sukhmani aim to train our students in such a way that they cross the threshold into the Global Competitive world with the strength to reach and excel in their professional aspirations and also keep their ethos intact. Educational institution is always a world in miniature where one receives training for life. It is here that we begin to learn our lessons of life to encounter challenges, face competitions, and accept set backs and rejoice at victory and triumph. As a student of one of the oldest educational groups of North India, you will be given guidance and nurturing of every step. We are committed to providing high quality education and assisting you in acquiring skills and knowledge to meet goals.
I am quite confident that you will address yourself to the tasks of learning with a tremendous sense of
involvement and come out successful with flying colors in our cherished endevour.
Sri Sukhmani Dental College and Hospital, Dera Bassi (Punjab) is an institution where every effort has been mode to impart high quality education of global standards to the students and to enable them to succeed in the World of Dentistry.

Kanwal Jit Singh
